On May 13, 2024, the newest update to the Texas State Records Retention Schedule (RRS) was published! These changes affect state agencies and public universities. The amendment to 13 TAC §6.10 is adopted as an administrative rule of the commission—see the full official announcement in the Texas Register. State agencies and universities should update any saved versions of the RRS to the latest version. The changes made are summarized below.
Impacted Series
RSIN | Title | Change | Explanation |
1.1.059 | Meetings, Agendas and Minutes or Audiovisual Recordings of Closed | Legal citation added. | Previously, the citation was erroneously included on 1.1.060. |
1.1.060 | Meetings, Audiovisual Recordings of Open | Legal citation removed. | The citation belonged on 1.1.059. |
1.1.074 | Sunset Review Report and Related Documentation | Updated archives note. | As a state publication, agency self-evaluation reports must be submitted to the Texas State Publications Depository Program instead of being submitted along with other related documentation to the State Archives for archival review. |
1.1.058 | Meetings, Agendas and Minutes or Audiovisual Recordings of Closed | Updated archives note. | The note now includes the statute that outlines the archival requirement to submit these records to the State Archives. Since these records have a permanent retention, this legal citation was added to clarify the dual responsibility of state agencies and TSLAC to retain copies of these records. |
4.5.003 | Annual Financial Reports | Updated caution note. | Due to a change in policy, if a biennial or annual narrative report is not produced, annual financial reports should be sent to the Texas State Publications Depository Program instead of being marked with archival code A. |
If you have questions about any of the changes made, feel free to contact us!