LGRA Compliance: Defining “Elected County Officials”

When helping local governments achieve compliance, we commonly receive the questions about which forms to use. The compliance forms differ depending on whether you are non-elected or elected office. Sometimes we receive questions about the difference in elected by the public versus elected by the board in ascertaining the forms. What does the term “elected…

Visual illustrations of data, information, and records

The Relationships Between Data, Information, and Records

by Erica Rice Data. Information. Record. These terms are thrown around a lot in the information management world, and they are often used interchangeably. However, each of these terms has a distinct definition and purpose in the practice of records management. Let’s look at the definitions of each of these—and how they are related—to make…

What Happens to Records When Agencies Are Abolished or Absorbed

Sometimes, the Sunset Commission “sunsets” state agencies. But what does that mean? “In government, ‘Sunset’ reviews regularly assess the need for a state agency or program to exist. In Texas, the Sunset process works by setting an expiration (Sunset) date in law for state agencies. An agency will automatically be abolished on its Sunset date…

Electronic Records, Third-Party Systems, and Contracts

(Authors: Maria Freed and Sarah Swanson) ⚠Content Disclaimer The guidance provided below does not constitute legal advice. Instead, it is intended to provide general information as a resource for records management teams. Take a moment to think about the systems your local government or agency uses to manage its electronic records. What would your ideal…

Person typing the copyright symbol on a typewriter.

Copyright Records

by Erica Rice How long should you keep records documenting the copyright of an original work of authorship? Records documenting the copyright status of original works are administratively valuable when it comes to crafting licensing agreements, drafting acceptable use notices, responding to infringement lawsuits, etc. For Texas state universities, the answer is simple: follow the…

Microfilm reel

Microfilm Destruction Tips

Are you looking to streamline your microfilm destruction methods? Do you already have a system in place? In any case, you might find these pointers below helpful to incorporate into your organization’s practices. Step 1: Make sure you have procedures in place. Will the destruction be done in-house, or will you hire an outside vendor?…

Telecommunication and Records

These days, the word “telecommunication” or, as it’s more commonly referred, “telecommuting” is something everyone is hearing. But what is telecommuting anyway, and how does it apply to records management? Telecommunication means communication over a distance by telephone, cable, or broadcasting.  For most people, this means working from home on a desktop or laptop computer.…