Records Management New Year’s Resolutions

The beginning of the new year is a time for reflection and planning for the coming months. What records management goals do you have for 2023? Here are a few ideas to get you thinking.

In honor of the season, let’s do a little countdown…

3. Find Community

Records management can be a lonely business. Even though we here at TSLAC understand that managing records is everyone’s job, we also know it’s a task that sometimes gets cordoned off to one specific person or department. It’s possible to go it alone, but it’s more fun if you have someone to trade niche memes with. If you’re feeling lonesome in your records management role, make 2023 the year you get out there and make some records management friends and allies!

Get to Know Your Records Management “Neighbors”

If you work for a local government, reach out to similar governments nearby, and if you work for a state agency try saying hello to the RMOs at similar agencies. You may find that your new records management bestie was next-door all along!

Join Some Groups

There are many organizations for records management professionals that offer email lists, training, and conferences to attend. Check out our External Resources page for a list of professional organizations you can join. Here are some good places to start:

  • RMICC, the Records Management Interagency Coordinating Counsel
  • SACCRIM, the State Agency Coordinating Committee Records and Information Management subcommittee
  • ARMA International, the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (there may also be a local chapter near you)
  • NAGARA, the National Association of Government Archives & Records Administrators

2. Tackle a Clean-up Project

Is there a back room full of boxes that you’ve been meaning to clean out? Do you have several years’ worth of emails sitting in your inbox, unsorted? With a little planning, you can tackle even the largest of clean-up projects this year.

Organization Resources

Disposition Resources

1. Make a Disaster Plan

A disaster plan is something you hope you’ll never have to use, but that you’ll be glad to have if something goes wrong. With the potential for hazardous weather events, cybersecurity attacks, and you know… *gestures broadly at everything,* maybe this is the year to finally get around to writing one.

Emergency Preparedness Resources

Happy New Year!

Blue and red chandelier fireworks exploding against a black sky.

The Records Management Assistance Unit wishes you the happiest of new years!

If you’re feeling nostalgic for “auld lang syne,” check out a previous analyst’s records management resolutions from a over a decade ago. Time really does fly!

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