The Bucketing Strategy as a Precautionary Solution

Agencies or local governments that are tight on storage space might look forward to speedily carrying out disposition on records that have met their full retention periods, but there are cases when reaching a destruction eligibility date may not put the records manager in the clear to destroy or transfer those records. In those cases,…

RIM Month Fun: Memes

SLRM likes to make a fun post every April to celebrate RIM month. In the past, we’ve done Emoji Retention and RIM Mad Libs. It’s been a difficult RIM Month 2020 – with event cancellations, folks working from home, and everyone figuring out new workflows to serve Texans. We could all use a mirthful chuckle…

Personnel File Bucketing

The Personnel File: Retention & Best Practices

by Erica Rice Every state agency and local government creates and maintains employee records.  Often maintained in individual files for each employee, the personnel file is added to regularly throughout its active life, and it may often be consulted during its long inactive life.  We create and use personnel records to hire, re-hire, train, evaluate,…


To Bucket or Not to Bucket…?

There is a term in records management circles you might have heard of called “big buckets.” Have you ever stopped and thought, “What is this? Should I be doing this? Am I missing out on something?” (Coincidentally, there’s the pop culture acronym F.O.M.O. which stands for “fear of missing out” that comes to mind. Google…