FAQ: What is a Countywide RMO?

Updated May 2020

There are 254 counties in the state of Texas.
Map of Texas Counties. Click to enlarge.

If you work in a county government, you might have heard us use the phrase countywide RMO. Today’s topic is about who the countywide records management officer (RMO) is and what they do.

The commissioners court designates an individual to serve as the countywide RMO. That person then serves as the RMO for all the county’s non-elective offices. The non-elective offices include probation, parks and recreation, auditor, fire marshal, and public works.

What does the countywide RMO do for these offices? The RMO’s duties are written in the law but basically they run the records management program. The RMO files the county’s records management compliance paperwork. He or she establishes policies and procedures and takes other steps to make sure the county handles and disposes of records appropriately.

If that were it, we wouldn’t write a FAQ post about it! The law also allows the countywide RMO to serve as the RMO for any elected officers of that county if the officer chooses it.

By default, each elected county officer is the RMO of their elective office. However, if an elected official wants the countywide RMO to be responsible for his or her records, the official must file the form SLR 512 – Records Management Policy and Declaration of Compliance – and choose the second option, which designates the countywide RMO and provides for their name, title and signature to authorize this choice.

Before TSLAC can accept the countywide designation, we will verify that the countywide RMO’s office is in compliance. Compliance means the countywide RMO has on file with TSLAC an updated RMO designation, records management policy, and Declaration of Compliance. TSLAC will not accept the elected county officer’s designation of an out-of-compliance countywide RMO.

So if you call from a county office and your analyst tells you to talk to the countywide RMO, this is who we mean. They’re the person the commissioners court has put in charge of county records. If you need any other assistance with records management, be sure to contact your analyst. We’re here to help.

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