The words "State Agency Training" over employees in a classroom listening to a lecture.

Remote Training for State Agencies!

We are excited to announce that we will be conducting free introductory records management classes via Teams for state agencies on: These classes are free for government employees in Texas. Visit our training page for registration instructions. NOTE: Your confirmation may be delayed. We are reviewing and approving registrants. If you have any questions, please…

Grouping of faceless people connected by series of dots.

2024 Local Government Records Management Officer Meeting

You are cordially invited to the annual Local Government Records Management Officer meeting. Calling all records management officers and records professionals serving local governments across Texas! Texas State Library and Archives (TSLAC) wants to meet with you. Due to the size of this meeting and geography, this event will be held via Zoom. When: Thursday,…

RIM Month Fun: Emoji Records Management

Emoji Records Retention Schedule At some point in the introduction to records management training courses for both local governments and state agencies we discuss what the different retention codes on the retention schedules mean. Normally it looks and goes something like this:         We say it’s time for a little update. Better…