Before the War | 1860: Big Trouble | Secession! | 1861: Opening Act | Dissent
1862: Fiery Trial | 1863: The Tide Turns | 1864: No Way Out | End of the Ordeal | Further Reading
Topic Index
African-American Life
- R.M. Johnson, Bill of Sale for Slave named Hiram
- Legal Paperwork for Shipley, September 1860
- General John G. Walker to Pendleton Murrah, October 24, 1864
Collapse of the Confederacy (1865)
- The Last Battle
- Surrender
- Toll of War
- H.R. Satimer to Pendleton Murrah, November 24, 1864
- Jefferson Davis to Pendleton Murrah, February 25, 1865
- Kirby Smith to T.J. Sprague, May 15, 1865
- Kirby Smith to T.J. Sprague, May 1865 (undated)
- George R. Freeman to F.W. Emory, June 26, 1865
Confederate Commanders
- Paul Hébert
- John B. Magruder
- Kirby Smith
Cotton and the War on the Texas Border
- The Cotton Times
- War on the Border
- Charles Løvenskiold to Edward Clark, October 10, 1861
- Benjamin J. Sanford to Francis R. Lubbock, February 8, 1862
- James T.D. Wilson to Francis R. Lubbock, May 28, 1862
- Texas State Cotton Certificate, March 3, 1864
- George H. Giddings to Pendleton Murrah, October 21, 1864
- Those Who Disagreed
- The Nueces Massacre
- The Great Hanging at Gainesville
- Committee of Safety to A. Newman, May 25, 1861
- Francis R. Lubbock to J.H. Beck, February 8, 1862
- D.H. Farr to Francis R. Lubbock, February 13, 1862
- Erastus Reed to Francis R. Lubbock, July 12, 1863
- Mrs. B.M. Clarke to Pendleton Murrah, November 30, 1863
The Draft
- Conscription
- Draft Petition for Alexander Schecke, April 2, 1862 (first page)
- Draft Exemption for John Vogle, December 27, 1862
- P.L. Burquor to Francis R. Lubbock, September 8, 1863
- W.W. Whitby to Pendleton Murrah, December 28, 1863
Everyday Life in Civil War Texas
- Texas at the Beginning of the War
- Texas Transformed by War
- C.G. Wood to James E. McCord, October 10, 1863
- Justus W. Ferris to Pendleton Murrah, February 14, 1864
- T.P. Debor to Pendleton Murrah, March 22, 1864
- Affidavit on women taking cotton in Lavaca County, October 25, 1864
Frontier Texas and the War
- The Frontier Exposed (1861)
- Agony on the Frontier (1863)
- The Frontier Stands Alone (1864)
- W.G. Freeman's Inspection of Fort Worth, September 7, 1853
- B.F. Speer to Sam Houston, December 1860
- R.D. McAnelly to Edward Clark, April 25, 1861
- W.J. Alexander to Jeremiah Y. Dashiell, July 29, 1863
- Richard Montgomery Gano to Francis R. Lubbock, August 12, 1863
- Nathaniel Terry to Francis R. Lubbock, August 14, 1863
- Report of William Quayle, September 29, 1864
Galveston and the War at Sea
- Business as Usual in Blockaded Galveston (1861)
- War on the Texas Coast (1862)
- Taking Back Galveston (1863)
- The Texas Coast Invaded (1863)
- Sidney Sherman to Edward Clark, May 22, 1861
- Philip C. Tucker to Francis R. Lubbock, October 22, 1862
- T.A. Harris to Francis R. Lubbock, October 24, 1862
- William Scurry to Samuel Cooper, April 2, 1863
- Special Orders Regarding Galveston, issued by Henry McCulloch, August 28, 1863
The Secession Crisis (1860-1861)
- Page from a Petition of the Citizens of Houston County, November 24, 1860
- Sam Houston to C.A. Waite, March 29, 1861
- Knights of the Golden Circle, Coded Message, April 14, 1861
The Texas Economy During the War
- Manufacturing and Transportation
- Not Everyone Suffered
- Francis R. Lubbock to Theophilus Holmes, September 27, 1862
- J.L. McMeans to Francis R. Lubbock, June 22, 1863
- Anton R. Roessler to Pendleton Murrah, March 9, 1864
Texas Politics and the War
- Antebellum Texas
- A Hard-Liner for Governor--Barely (1861)
- A Get-Tough Governor, A Careful Legislature (1862)
- Texas Stays the Course (1863)
- Texas vs. The Confederacy (1864)
- Holding the Line (1865)
- Sam Houston Senate Speech, February 15, 1854
- William J. Hutchins to Pendleton Murrah, May 14, 1864
Texas Troops in Action
- The Fighting Begins
- The Red River Campaign
- Hal G. Runnels to Edward Clark, April 23, 1861
- George Durant to Edward Clark, September 3, 1861
- Francis R. Lubbock to Earl Van Dorn, February 13, 1862
- John Bankhead Magruder to Pendleton Murrah, March 23, 1864
- John Bankhead Magruder to Pendleton Murrah, March 31, 1864
- E. Kirby Smith to Pendleton Murrah, March 31, 1864
The Texas Troubles (1860 Incident)
- James A. Cox to Sam Houston, August 26, 1860
- J.E. Strobel to Sam Houston, September 8, 1860